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Showing posts from June, 2016

Date My son Like this

The GhisiPitti Love story and His Mom

Lets start  with the  Cliche relationship  Story! Don't tell me you. ......too (Part-1) Like you also felt too conscious about what your guy wears and wanted to make him look like Brad Pitt .. not that I like him but just saying for the sake of name tagging.  I liked Josh Hartnett, Chris Hemsworth, Luke Wilson (the guy from the movie " Legally Blonde - yeah the professor ; that' s who am talking about). Even the old classic character in Jane Eyre of " Mr.Rochester" was one hell of an imaginary character I raised as someone so real that every guy I would see was actually repeating his dialogues to me "Jane.. Jane you the most un-earthy thing, I own you as my own flesh". Yeah I know, wayyy too fantastical but that is how I saw it.. It was like OMG! I found a guy and than it just went on and on in my small little head about him only . And if   I connect you .. like take you back to the general state of mind you get in when and how usua...